Greg Shelton
Hello my name is John. I would like to tell you a little about me April 2018 I was borderline diabetic on two different medications for high blood pressure and weighed 308 lbs. I tried all kinds of diets form low carb to high protein, eating smaller portions every 2 hours going to the gym everyday nothing seems to work for me. Then one day I came across this weight loss programed that said free consultation. That’s when I met Dave and Chelsey, after meeting with Dave he explained to me that to lose the weight I needed to change my lifestyle. I need to quit eating fast food, prepackaged meals form a box, quit using a lot of salt, preservatives, sugars you get the picture. The information given and plan Dave put me on, I was able to make that change. I removed all of the processed foods from the house certain seasoned salts with a lot of sodium and sugars. I wanted to lose the weight and get off the blood pressure medication. I applied myself 110% to this program. On my first week being on the program I lost 18 lbs. YES 18 lbs. I said earlier “a lifestyle change” was it easy at first NO, as the weeks went on got easier and easier when I had cravings for a burger or a pizza all I had to do was call and ask for some advice they gave me some alternatives to cure those cravings and it worked. I did it and I made my goal weight of 195 lbs. I am now off one of my meds, blood sugar is normal. It has been over a year and I’m still holding my weight fluctuating between 5 to 8 lbs. This program works they give you the tools to make the change, all you have to do is apply yourself. Thank you Dave and Chelsey.